Collection wizard

Why this wizard?

We at Leankoala believe that almost 80% of the features of all web pages are the same. That is why we try to provide a set of standard elements of web pages like Google Analytics, menus, footers or header. The set of known collections gets extended on a daily basis.

When a collection within in wizard turns green it means that either that collection is considered mandatory or it was found on the given URL.

Off, Component and System

When our wizard found a collection on the given component the user has the choice between three kinds of configuration. Those are used to define in which context the check should run. 

  • off - When off is chosen we do not change the test configuration. That means that we do not activate the collection for this component. Notice: if the component was already activated we do not deactivate it.
  • component – Selecting component activates this collection (e.g. google analytics) for exactly this component (URL).
  • system – Activating a collection system-wide means that all components (old and new) must have the characteristics of this collection.
Table of contents